Fisher Sidewalk Closed for Improvements

To improve the electrical vaults under the sidewalks outside Fisher Hall and to upgrade the walk itself and its lighting, the entire length of the sidewalk outside Fisher, Clement and Mendel halls, from Chatham Square to Boyd Street, will be closed for about a month.

During this time, the Forbes Avenue entrances to these buildings will be closed, although Mendel’s Forbes entrance will be kept open as long as possible, until work progresses to the Boyd Street corner.

To enter Fisher Hall during construction, access the newly renovated Fisher Annex via the upper parking lot or the sixth-floor pedestrian bridge from campus. Users with swipe-activated access can enter through Watson Street, the rear entrance that also provides access to Clement and Mendel.

The Fisher parking lot will remain open via one entrance/exit.

In addition, the lane of traffic closest to these buildings, heading from the Armstrong Tunnel into Downtown, will be closed. Please take care in crossing Forbes Avenue and use designated cross walks.