School Creates New Branding Campaign and Tagline

In August 2019, after a six-month effort of gathering information and brainstorming ideas for a new tagline, the Palumbo-Donahue School of Business unveiled its new promise statement—“The Business of Difference Making.”

Input from many stakeholders, including the Business School’s leadership team, marketing group and students as well as the University’s team of marketing managers, designers, and media relations experts, proved invaluable in the process.

We conducted a design thinking exercise and built a broad set of seed words that were categorized into theme areas.  With these themes in mind, the team drafted several dozen potential taglines.  Through additional small-group brainstorming sessions, those taglines were refined into the final recommendation.

Our new tagline underscores that the School itself is a difference maker, and we launch our graduates prepared to make a difference in the business world and beyond.

In collaboration with the University’s legal department, we are in the process of registering a trademark for our tagline.