Sweitzer Named Director of Environmental Health and Safety

Paula D. Sweitzer has been named director of environmental health and safety at Duquesne effective Feb. 1.

Paula Sweitzer

Sweitzer, who will report to the Associate General Counsel Madelyn Reilly, follows George Bender, who retired in January. Since April 2001, she served as manager of hazardous materials at the University, and has had a great impact on the Environmental Health and Safety program at Duquesne.

In her new role, Sweitzer will oversee the Department of Environmental Health and Safety, which:

  • monitors local, state and federal laws and regulations as well as professional standards and codes
  • manages how Duquesne University maintains its facilities and equipment
  • tracks developments in environmental health and safety laws and regulations to determine which requirements apply to campus activities
  • develops programs for the University to help meet environmental health and safety requirements.

Sweitzer earned a B.S. in biology from Seton Hill University before graduating in 2001 with a master’s degree from Duquesne’s Environmental Science and Management program. In addition, she is a Certified Hazardous Materials Manager.

To reach Sweitzer, call 412.396.4763 or email sweitzerp@duq.edu.