Faculty & Staff Spotlight

Dr. Antony Davies, associate professor of economics, discussed immigration at the ninth International Students for Liberty Conference held Feb. 27 in Washington, D.C. The session was sponsored by the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University.

Dr. Matthew G. Hyland, assistant professor of history, gave a lecture at the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation titled Restoration Montpelier: A Preservation Dilemma. In his Feb. 23 talk, Hyland laid out the evolution through time of James Madison’s residence in Virginia to its present landmark status.

Dr. Melissa Kalarchian, associate professor of nursing and psychology, served as a member of the bariatric surgery work group at the invitation-only Department of Veterans Affairs’ State of the Art conference on Weight Management from March 7-8 in Washington D.C.

Jane Moriarty, the Carol Los Mansmann Chair in Faculty Scholarship and professor of law, presented Neuroscience Contributions to a Legal Reconstruction of the Insanity Defense at the Fordham Law Review’s conference, Criminal Behavior and the Brain: When Law and Neuroscience Collide, on Feb. 26.
