Dr. Jeffrey A. Miller Promoted to Vice Provost

University Provost Dr. David Dausey has promoted Dr. Jeffrey A. Miller from associate provost for administration to the position of vice provost, effective immediately. Miller will continue to serve on the academic affairs leadership team.

Dr. Jeffrey A. Miller
Dr. Jeffrey A. Miller

“Jeff Miller has provided the steady leadership necessary for the progress we have made in pursuing significant academic goals at Duquesne,” Dausey said. “This promotion recognizes not only what he has done, but the trust I have in him as we look to the goals of the University’s strategic plan.”

Miller is responsible for academic support units program development, planning and budget, international programs and learning skills services, academic and enterprise computing, classroom technology and facilities management.

Miller’s direct reports will be the offices for online learning, international programs, learning skills, and classroom technologies. He will continue to serve as a liaison with Planning & Budget, Computing and Technology Services, and Facilities Management in the Division of Management and Business. Miller and the associate provosts work closely with the Deans to achieve the academic mission of Duquesne University.

Miller continues to serve as a tenured, full professor in the school of education teaching courses in psychological testing, and research and mentoring doctoral students He previously served as associate dean for graduate studies and research in the school of education.

During his 21 years at Duquesne, Miller has won an array of awards for leadership, service and teaching, including the Presidential Scholarship Award (2009) and a Creative Teaching Award (2002).

In addition, Miller is a licensed and board-certified psychologist and fellow of the American Psychological Association. He has published more than 30 books, book chapters and refereed journal articles. Miller’s most recent book, Specialty Competencies in School Psychology, is published by Oxford University Press.