Campus Community Invited to Virtual Spiritan Pedagogy Discussion

The virtual Spiritan Pedagogy series returns next week with the focus on Broadening Our Scholarship, Deepening Our Disciplinary Commitments and Reaching People on the Margins.

Spiritans logoFaculty, staff and graduate students are invited to attend the event Thursday, Oct. 15, from 10 to 11 a.m. Registration is required to receive a Zoom link for the discussion.

Discussion leaders for the session are Associate Pharmacy Professor Dr. Jennifer Elliot, Assistant Music Therapy Professor Dr. Noah Potvin (who has a joint faculty appointment in the School of Nursing) and Assistant Sociology Professor Dr. Anita Zuberi. They will explore ways that scholarship, disciplinary commitments and service connect with the Spiritan values of the University. Along the way, they will learn the adaptations colleagues are making in their practice of Spiritan pedagogy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Spiritan Pedagogy series explores ways to reimagine academic excellence in holistic ways that move beyond the usual academic standards. It is co-hosted by the Center for Catholic Faith and Culture and the Center for Teaching Excellence.