A Focus on Myths and Stereotypes at 8th Annual Sizemore Conference

The School of Education’s Barbara A. Sizemore Urban Education Initiative will host the eighth annual Dr. Barbara A. Sizemore Summer Conference, and third annual Sizemore Youth Conference, focusing on misperceptions of underserved students.

The Youth Conference will be held Wednesday, May 24, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the fifth floor of the Power Center in the Dougherty Ballroom. The conference is designed to give area high school students a safe space to discuss their achievement goals despite myths and misperceptions of their potential. Youth Conference keynote speakers include Dr. Andre Samuel, director of The Citizen Science Lab, and Captain Barrington Antonio Irving, Jr., founder of Experience Aviation.

The Sizemore Summer Conference will take place Thursday, May 25, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. also in the Dougherty Ballroom. Keynote speakers include Dr. Gail L. Thompson, an equity and professional development expert at Illuminate Education, and Dr. Marcia Sturdivant, president and chief executive officer of NEED (Negro Educational Emergency Drive).

Additionally, various professional development workshops will provide attendees with information they can use to enhance learning in urban classrooms, including:

  • Framing Differentiated Instruction in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
  • Examining Race and Media in the Punitive Practice Toward Black Male Youth in Urban Education
  • Removing the “Mask” Without Taking Off Skin: Unpacking Student Cool Pose Behaviors and Interrupting Systems that Produce the Condition
  • Muslim Students in K-12 Schools in Western Settings

The Dr. Barbara A. Sizemore Summer Conference and Sizemore Youth Conference are presented by the Canevin Center for Educational Transformation and Social Justice, and are funded through a grant from The Heinz Endowments.

For more information, call 412.396.1852 or email pricem@duq.edu.