Rockwell Hall: Our Bridge to the Future

As a School of Business, we must have cutting-edge facilities that attract students and faculty as well as engage our alumni and business partners.  Rockwell Hall can be a bridge to the future for Duquesne, Pittsburgh and beyond.  Indeed, transforming Rockwell is imperative for our future success as a School.

Our vision takes us from static classrooms to learning spaces that engage all our constituencies and that support innovation, capability building and collaboration.  Consequently, we are reshaping our floors in Rockwell to support this agenda, which will also help us more directly serve businesses, entrepreneurs and the region.

Our most recent renovations include the 9th floor.  While primarily a floor for faculty offices, we have also included innovative collaboration rooms for faculty, students and business partners to interact and work together.  While a big step forward, these improvements are just the beginning.

Our ambitious agenda for Rockwell Hall
The next phase of our Rockwell renovation efforts will focus on building Centers of Excellence—Centers that align very well with workforce trends and economic development needs in Pittsburgh.

Later in 2017, construction will begin on the 4th floor, where we will build three Centers of Excellence in Entrepreneurship, Professional Selling and Supply Chain Management.  In 2018, we plan to build three Centers of Excellence on the 6th floor in Ethics, Investment Strategy and Sustainable Business Innovation.

One of the most exciting aspects of our vision for Rockwell is an expanded bridge to the bluff.  The idea would be to treat the bridge as an extension of the Institute for Sustainable Business Innovation and the School of Business with an atrium and expanded gathering spaces.  This will give us a true front door and underscore our commitment to green innovation.

Please help us make our vision for Rockwell Hall come alive
If you would like to make a gift commitment, please contact Adam Viers.