Women’s Guild Contributions Help Spiritan Campus Ministry Efforts in New Orleans

The Women’s Guild has donated $13,000 from this year’s fashion show to support Spiritan Campus Ministry (SCM) efforts to rebuild areas of New Orleans severely affected by hurricane Katrina. To date, the guild has raised nearly $40,000 for SCM work in New Orleans.

“The Women’s Guild members are an example of living the mission statement. They are serving God by serving students so that they go out in service of others,” said the Rev. Ray French, C.S.Sp., director of Spiritan Campus Ministry. “We are deeply grateful.

“Sometimes when big tragedies happen people, feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation and don’t know how to help,” French said. “Three years ago, when I saw firsthand the devastation in New Orleans, I asked the Women’s Guild to help and they were determined to make a contribution.”

For the last three years, SCM has organized a trip to New Orleans for volunteers who build houses over their spring break. The Women’s Guild donations pay for the students’ trip.

“Our students experience a world outside of their own and learn about hope in the midst of great suffering, and witness the fact that everyone is our brother and sister,” French said.

Last spring, Mary McIntyre, Women’s Guild president, accompanied students to New Orleans.

“They all worked hard, with zeal and enthusiasm, and, according to a Habitat for Humanity supervisor, they completed the work faster than most volunteers,” said McIntyre. “The Women’s Guild fundraisers require hard work and lots of time from our members, but I was able to see firsthand how our effort makes a difference in the lives of others.”

Upon her return from New Orleans, McIntyre invited a few students to speak at a guild meeting and learned how significant the trip was to students.

“At the meeting, they spoke of how life-changing this experience was and of how this impacted their plans for the future. One student decided to spend one year at AmeriCorps upon graduation to continue the work.”

To join the Women’s Guild and advance its tradition of fundraising for noteworthy causes, contact Mary McIntyre at 412.396.6668.