Faculty & Staff Spotlight

Robert S. Barker, Duquesne University Distinguished Professor of Law, delivered a series of lectures and speeches on constitutional law in Venezuela in May at events commemorating the bicentennial of that country’s independence and its first constitution. In Caracas, Barker spoke at the Institute for Juridical Research of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello on La Corte Suprema y el Desarrollo Constitucional de los Estados Unidos. Also at the Catholic University, he spoke at the Institute for Historical Research on La Constitución de los Estados Unidos y su Influencia en la Constitución Venezolana de 1800, a topic that he also addressed at the Universidad Fermín Toro and the Universidad Centroccidental in the city of Barquisimeto. While in Venezuela, Barker was a guest on Globovision TV’s Brújula Internacional in Caracas, and on the public affairs television program Sin Barreras in Barquisimeto, and was interviewed by newspapers and radio stations in Barquisimeto.

Dr. John Stolz, biology professor and director of the Center for Environmental Research and Education, has been interviewed by an independent filmmaker producing a series of short documentaries on Marcellus Shale for the Finnish Broadcasting Company. As these Gas Rush stories become available, they will be posted online at www.kirsijansa.com and on the Post-Gazette’s Pipeline website.
