30th Annual Symposium to Focus on Phenomenology and Its Critics

Scholars from across the world will convene at the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center’s 30th annual symposium to deepen the conversation about the strengths, resources and challenges of phenomenology in the arena of current philosophical inquiry. Phenomenology and Its Critics will be held April 19-20 at 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Africa Room of the Union.

Phenomenology, the philosophical study of how human beings experience being in the world, has seen resurgence in recent years, especially at Duquesne.

“We have strong phenomenological work being done in the Departments of Communication and Rhetorical Studies, Philosophy, Psychology and Theology, just to name the departments that are most intimately involved with our center,” explained Dr. Jeffrey McCurry, director of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center.

The Phenomenology Center has hosted very prominent American and European philosophers as speakers during the past few years. Continuing in that tradition, presenters for Phenomenology and Its Critics include:

  • Bruno Bosteels, professor of romance studies at Cornell University
  • Claire Colebrook, professor of English at Pennsylvania State University
  • Leonard Lawlor, the Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Philosophy at Pennsylvania State University
  • Paola Marrati, professor of humanities with a joint appointment in the department of philosophy, and director of the program for the study of women, gender and sexuality at Johns Hopkins University.

“Duquesne is a North American hub for phenomenology in both its past and its cutting-edge present, and we hope to continue to provide space and resources for phenomenology to develop in exciting ways in the future,” McCurry added.

Registration to Phenomenology and Its Critics is free and open to the public. To register, contact phenomenology@duq.edu or 412.396.6038.