Leadership Breakfast Series Opens for the Season

The popular leadership breakfast series hosted by the School of Leadership and Professional Advancement (SLPA) will kick off for the fall semester on Tuesday, Sept. 11, in the Power Center Ballroom.

The monthly series, open to internal and external audiences, begins with breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and sessions run from 8 to 10 a.m. The first session will feature Elisabet Rodriguez Dennehy, lead faculty member in the Women’s Executive Leadership Program and founder and president of her own consulting firm.

Dennehy will focus on Managing Self-Talk in a Multicultural Workforce by drawing on active listening and acknowledging the need for diverse talent to work together.

The cost, $25 for employees, $45 for those outside Duquesne or $135 for all sessions, includes parking, Continental breakfast and handouts.

Other sessions include:

  • Wednesday, Oct. 10, Dr. Don Marinelli, recently retired Carnegie Mellon University professor who co-founded the university’s Entertainment Technology Center, speaking about Valuable Insights into Whole Brain Thinking
  • Tuesday, Nov. 6, Rebecca Harris, director at the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship at Chatham University and an entrepreneur, speaking about Advancing Women in Leadership: It Takes a Team
  • Wednesday, Dec. 12, consultants Anne Papinchak and Evy Severino, who will present Creating a Thinking Environment.

For more information, contact Coleen Wierzchowski at 412.396.5600 or email leadership@duq.edu.