Faculty & Staff Spotlight

Dr. Ronald C. Arnett, professor and chair of communication and rhetorical studies, and Dr. Pat Arneson, associate professor of communication and rhetorical studies, each received awards from the National Communication Association. Arnett received a top paper award in the Communication Division for Conflict in an Age of Ethical Dispute, along with coauthors Leeanne Bell McManus and Amanda Grace McKendree. Arneson took the top award in the Philosophy of Communication Division for A Creative Turning: Communicative Participation in Tymieniecka’s ‘Logos of Life.

Additionally, Arnett’s book, Communication Ethics in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt’s Rhetoric of Warning and Hope, was published by the Southern Illinois University Press. Arnett also co-authored An Overture to Philosophy of Communication: The Carrier of Meaning, with A.M. Holba. This book was published by Peter Lang.

Dr. Janie Harden Fritz, associate professor in the Department of Communication and Rhetorical Studies, recently published two books with Peter Lang, Professional Civility: Communicative Virtue at Work and Problematic Relationships in the Workplace, Volume 2, co-authored with B.L. Omdahl.

Dr. John Stolz, professor of environmental microbiology and director of the Center for Environmental Research and Education, chaired the Geobiology Research Seminar of the Gordon Research Conference from Jan. 27 to Feb. 1 in Ventura, Calif. Stolz’s section on Microbe-Mineral Interactions, Biomineralization and the Rock Record addressed the Earth as a system, its interactions with its environment and its ancestry.

Mark Yochum, professor of law, participated in a Bankruptcy Career Day program presented by The American College of Bankruptcy on Feb. 12 at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. Yochum was part of the program’s mock interview of possible bankruptcy clients.