University Joins Battery Recycling Effort

Old or used batteries generated on campus continue to be recycled at the University. The Environmental Health and Safety Office will provide recycling for all batteries on campus, including lead, rechargeable and alkaline batteries, said Paula Sweitzer, hazardous materials manager.

Rechargeable batteries include Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd), Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-Mh) and Lithium Ion (Li-ion). Smaller batteries can be sent through office mail to Sweitzer in Room B-8 of Mellon Hall. Larger batteries can be dropped off at collection locations, such as the one outside Sweitzer’s office in the Mellon Hall basement.

This free service is available only for batteries used on campus.

For more information contact Sweitzer at 412.396.4763.

For information on disposing of hazardous waste items from home use, visit the Pennsylvania Resources Council.