CETR to Sponsor First Writing Retreat

Faculty members who aspire to have time with their thoughts to move along a writing project about community-engaged scholarship—whether it be an article, chapter or manuscript—are invited to the first writing retreat sponsored by the Center for Community-Engaged Teaching and Research (CETR).

The close-to-home retreat will be held at the inviting Providence Villa in the North Hills, from Monday, June 1, and Tuesday, June 2.

“The grounds offer quiet spaces for solitary concentration as well as venues for collaboration,” said Dr. Lina Dostilio, CETR director. “We thought the peaceful beauty, plus the amenities of Providence Villa provided a perfect place for this first writing retreat focused on community-engaged scholarship.”

The retreat schedule, Dostilio said, will offer programming on the scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as community-engaged research project design and timed writing blocks.

Internet accessibility is available on the main floor, and accommodations can be made to stay overnight. Meals include breakfast and lunch both days, and dinner on Monday. Registration is required for this event and space is limited.