Liberal Arts Program Supports Students’ Opportunity to Cover Papal Visit

Four Duquesne students have the rare opportunity to cover the visit of Pope Francis in both Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., as credentialed reporters.

Mike Clark

The journalism and multimedia undergraduates, working on a class project for adjunct professor and WTAE-TV reporter/anchor Mike Clark, are traveling to Philadelphia with pilgrims from the Diocese of Pittsburgh.

They are attending the Canonization Mass of St. Junipero Serra in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Sept. 23, and returning to Philadelphia to cover the World Meeting of Families.

Clark and Dr. Dennis Woytek, assistant professor of journalism and multimedia arts, previously helped University students to gain the major news experience of covering a papal visit in 2008 and look forward to a similar high-quality experience for the current students who will document Pope Francis’ first U.S. visit.

“In 2008, the students worked alongside local, national and international journalists, and on occasions, they collaborated with these fellow journalists,” Clark said. “They were interviewed by FOX News and CNN live on the air, and I think, more than anything, they know they can do the job as a working journalist.

“I’m inspired by their excitement in tackling this project—talking to people, setting up interviews, exploring really complex issues,” said Clark, who also will cover the papal events. “I think they know what a remarkable experience that they are now heavily involved in.”

Junior Emily Stock definitely recognized the awesome opportunity. “The experience is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me, both professionally and spiritually,” she said.

Clark applauded Dr. James Swindal, dean of the McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts, for his hand in making this independent study course a reality. “He really wants the women to have a great experience because it’s all about the Duquesne mission of serving, to explore your faith, to explore other people’s faiths, to come together as a team to learn about this pope and learn about his messages,” Clark said. “I think that’s really in line with what Duquesne’s mission is all about.

“The pope’s message is about inclusion and I am so grateful that these students will be included to hear everything the pope has to say!” Clark said. “Regardless of what the kids do when they graduate, they’ll keep this experience in their hearts forever.”

Follow the students on Twitter @duq_tv_pope.

In addition, art historian Dr. Elizabeth Lev, a faculty member at Duquesne’s Italian campus, reporting on the papal visit for MSNBC. Follow her on Twitter @lizlevrome.