Year of Mercy Brings Thought-Provoking Exhibit to Campus

Spiritan Campus Ministry and the McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts will sponsor an art exhibit showcasing compassion in response to Pope Francis declaring 2016 as the Year of Mercy.

The exhibit—open from Sunday, April 3, to Sunday, April 10 coincides with Union operation hours, in the Les Idees Gallery—will showcase images from the award-winning Spiritan Magazine that were selected specifically for a calendar in preparation for the Year of Mercy.

According to the Rev. Daniel Walsh, C.S.Sp., director of Spiritan Campus Ministry, the University community embraces the call for mercy. “Mercy is all around us, and our students are really involved,” Walsh said. “Our students are doing works of mercy with St. Vincent DePaul, world hunger, music therapy and more.”

Similar to the students’ work, the exhibit will depict photos of mercy with the homeless, welcoming of strangers, feeding the hungry, healing the injured, rejoicing and compassion.

For more information, contact Spiritan Campus Ministry by email or call 412.396.6020.