Nuclear Disarmament Expert to Speak on Campus

The Center for Community-Engaged Teaching and Research (CETR) and the Center for Interpretive and Qualitative Research (CIQR) are bringing environmental and social justice advocate Jacqueline Cabasso to campus this Friday for an in-depth look at modern society’s tense nuclear terrain.

Our divided world flyerCabasso’s presentation, Our Divided World: The Quest for Nuclear Disarmament and the Growing Dangers of Ward among Nuclear Armed States, will explore potential ramifications of the recent and historic Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty.

Cabasso, a leading voice for nuclear abolition, is executive director of the Western States Legal Foundation, North American coordinator for Mayors for Peace and executive advisor to the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation.

Our Divided World will be held from noon to 1:15 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21, in the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center on the ground floor of Gumberg Library. This event is open to all members of the Duquesne community and the public.