Duquesne Hosts Workshop on Students’ Mental Health Needs After School Crisis

In the wake of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, the University recently hosted a workshop to educate school-based health professionals and crisis intervention team members on meeting students’ mental health needs after a traumatic school event.

Dr. Ara Schmitt

The workshop, held March 1-2, incorporated updated research and crisis intervention strategies to help participants prevent and prepare for student psychological trauma. Led by Dr. Jean Boyer, assistant professor of school psychology at Temple University, the workshop helped participants evaluate the degree of psychological trauma; respond to the mental health needs of the school community; and examine the effectiveness of crisis intervention and recovery efforts.

“We had a great response to the workshop,” said Associate Professor Dr. Ara Schmitt, director of the school psychology programs in the School of Education. “It was gratifying to have so many professionals turn out for such an important topic.”

Hosted by school psychology program in the School of Education, the workshop was co-sponsored by the Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania.