Poetry, Fiction Readings to Conclude Spring Coffee House Series

The free campus Coffee House Reading Series concludes next week with readings from local artists Brent House and Clare Beams.

Free and open to the public, the semester’s final reading will be held on Tuesday, April 17, at 7 p.m. at the Genesius Theater Rehearsal Hall.

House, a poet and a professor at California University of Pennsylvania, has had his work appear in journals such as Colorado Review, Cream City Review, The Journal, Third Coast and The Kenyon Review.

Beams is an author of fiction who teaches creative writing at Saint Vincent College and the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts. Her work has appeared in publications such as One Story, Ecotone, The Common, The Kenyon Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading, and The Best American Nonrequired Reading.

The Coffee House Reading Series, sponsored by the Department of English, features the literary works and creative writing of established writers as well as Duquesne students.

Email barrettf@duq.edu for more information on this free, public event.