Faculty, Staff Invited to Attend Communication Ethics Conference

Communication Ethics in Urban Settings is the theme for the upcoming 16th Biennial Communication Ethics Conference.

Slated for Tuesday, June 8, through Thursday, June 10, the virtual event’s speakers and presentations will consider the implications of communication ethics in cities and metropolitan areas, offering insights on the influence of ethical communications on residents’ lives, work and feelings about their communities.

“We are excited to host the Communication Ethics Conference,” said Dr. Ronald C. Arnett, chair and professor of the communication & rhetorical studies department. “We’ve received a terrific response, with more than 125 people from around the world registered for the event, which will include more than 100 presentations in our virtual format.”

The conference exemplifies Duquesne’s commitment to broadening student horizons through a variety of perspectives. Featured speakers at the event include:

  • Dr. Erik Garrett, associate professor of communication & rhetorical studies at Duquesne, will speak on City Fences: The Phenomenology of Communication in and about Neighborhoods
  • Dr. Andre Johnson, associate professor of rhetoric and media studies and the scholar-in-residence at the Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change at the University of Memphis, will present Addressing the Change: Africana Communication and the Problem with Moving On
  • Susan Drucker, the Lawrence Stessin Distinguished Professor in Journalism at Hofstra University, and Dr. Gary Gumpert, professor emeritus of communication at Queens College of the City University of New York, will present Ethics and a Mediated Polis: Love Thy Neighbor?
  • The Rev. Jordi Pujol, a Catholic priest and assistant professor of media ethics and media law at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce in Rome, will speak on Facing the Divide Since Babel: The Contribution of Faith to Urban Settings.

The conference is sponsored by the Department of Communication & Rhetorical Studies and the Communication Ethics Institute. Faculty and staff interested in learning more or registering for the event can visit the CEC site or email cec@duq.edu.