Faculty and Staff Invited to Attend ‘Africa Matters Book Discussion’

Two new publications that offer pan-African perspectives on key issues in theology, ethics and public health will be addressed at the upcoming event, Africa Matters Book Discussion.

The event, which will focus on the books The Church We Want, African Catholics Look to Vatican III and HIV and AIDS in Africa: Christian Reflection, Public Health, Social Transformation, will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 27, in the Africa Room of the Union. It will be immediately followed by a luncheon.

Featured speakers at the event include the Rev. Joseph G. Healey, an American missionary priest teaching in Africa and a contributing author to both The Church We Want and HIV and AIDS in Africa, and the Rev. Elochukwu Uzukwu, C.S.Sp., the Rev. Pierre Schouver C.S.Sp. Endowed Chair in Mission.

Healey and Uzukwu will discuss current trends and issues in contemporary African theological scholarship and provide an analysis of the history and current impacts of the HIV/AIDS pandemic from a theological, sociological, ecclesiological and public health perspective.

In addition, Dr. Bridget Calhoun, chair and associate professor in the Department of Physician Assistant Studies; Dr. Jordan Covvey, assistant professor of pharmacy administration; Dr. George Worgul, theology professor; and Rev. James Chukwuma Okoye, C.S.Sp., director of the Center for Spiritan Studies, will contribute to the conversation as respondents.

The event is sponsored by the Center for African Studies, the McAnulty College and Graduate School of Liberal Arts Dean’s Office, the Division Mission and Identity, the theology department and the School of Nursing. For more information, contact the theology department at 412.396.6530.